Practice Exercises to learn weekdays in German

Practice Different Exercises to learn weekdays in German Quickly

Hallo, so today we are going to practice weekdays in German. We have curated few exercises for you to practice and learn weekdays in Deutsch quickly. So let’s get started.

Practice Exercises to learn weekdays in German
Practice Exercises to learn weekdays in German | Weekdays in Deutsch

1. Fill in the Blanks (Lückentext)

Complete the sentences with the correct day of the week in German.

  1. Wir machen einen Ausflug am __________ (Sunday).
  2. Ich habe am __________ (Monday) Deutschunterricht.
  3. Am __________ (Saturday) gehen wir ins Kino.
  4. Mein Arzttermin ist am __________ (Wednesday).
  5. __________ (Friday) ist der letzte Arbeitstag der Woche.
Learn the DAYS OF THE WEEK in German

2. Match the Pairs (Zuordnungsübung)

Match the weekdays in German with their English translations.

1. MontagA. Thursday
2. DienstagB. Friday
3. MittwochC. Saturday
4. DonnerstagD. Monday
5. FreitagE. Tuesday
6. SamstagF. Wednesday
7. SonntagG. Sunday

3. True or False (Wahr oder Falsch)

Read the following sentences and mark whether they are true (wahr) or false (falsch).

  1. Mittwoch means “Tuesday.”
  2. Sonntag is the German word for “Sunday.”
  3. Freitag is the German word for “Thursday.”
  4. In Germany, Samstag is also called Sonnabend in some regions.
  5. Montag is the first day of the workweek.

4. Multiple Choice (Mehrfachauswahl)

Choose the correct translation for each sentence.

  1. What is the German word for “Friday”?
    a) Samstag
    b) Freitag
    c) Dienstag
  2. On which day is “Sonntag”?
    a) Sunday
    b) Wednesday
    c) Monday
  3. What is the German word for “Tuesday”?
    a) Montag
    b) Donnerstag
    c) Dienstag
  4. Which day comes after “Donnerstag”?
    a) Mittwoch
    b) Freitag
    c) Samstag

5. Word Scramble (Wortsalat)

Unscramble the weekdays in German:

  1. tmgaon
  2. mitwochw
  3. tsamags
  4. onntagS
  5. idgterfa

6. Dialog Completion (Dialog Lücken)

Complete the dialogue with the correct weekday in German.

A: Wann hast du dein Fußballtraining?
B: Am __________ (Tuesday).
A: Und wann hast du frei?
B: Am __________ (Sunday).

7. Listening Practice (Hörverständnis)

Listen to the following sentences and write down which weekday is being mentioned:

  1. “Am __________ haben wir ein Meeting.”
  2. “Ich treffe meine Freunde am __________.”
  3. “Ich arbeite von Montag bis __________.”
  4. “Am __________ machen wir einen Familienausflug.”
  5. “Der Deutschkurs beginnt am __________.”

8. Complete the Calendar (Kalender Ausfüllen)

Fill in the missing weekdays in this calendar.


Answer Keys

1. Fill in the Blanks – Answer Key

  1. Montag
  2. Samstag
  3. Mittwoch
  4. Freitag
  5. Sonntag

2. Match the Pairs – Answer Key

1. MontagD. Monday
2. DienstagE. Tuesday
3. MittwochF. Wednesday
4. DonnerstagA. Thursday
5. FreitagB. Friday
6. SamstagC. Saturday
7. SonntagG. Sunday

3. True or False – Answer Key

  1. False (Mittwoch means “Wednesday.”)
  2. True
  3. False (Freitag is “Friday.”)
  4. True
  5. True

4. Multiple Choice – Answer Key

  1. b) Freitag
  2. a) Sunday
  3. c) Dienstag
  4. b) Freitag

5. Word Scramble – Answer Key

  1. Montag
  2. Mittwoch
  3. Samstag
  4. Sonntag
  5. Freitag

6. Dialog Completion – Answer Key

A: Wann hast du dein Fußballtraining?
B: Am Dienstag.
A: Und wann hast du frei?
B: Am Sonntag.

7. Listening Practice – Answer Key

  1. Montag
  2. Freitag
  3. Freitag
  4. Sonntag
  5. Dienstag

8. Complete the Calendar – Answer Key


Hope you have enjoyed practicing the weekdays in German language. We will add more exercises in future. Till then keep learning German. Tschüss!!

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